July 27, 2024

Remote Work and Digital Nomad Lifestyle Insights

Remote work and digital nomad lifestyles have become more attractive to Americans in recent years, yet how do these flexible workers thrive while traveling? Remote ...
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Understanding the Basic Differences Between a Corporation and a Partnership

A business is defined by the IRS as a legally registered business or corporation organized for the purpose of conducting the trade or business. The ...
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The Importance of Business Ethics

The main objective of Business Ethics is to ensure that the company’s decisions are made with the best interests of the people and society as ...
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Characteristics of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is defined as the creation or discovery of value for a business. This definition, however, does not necessarily exclude the other characteristics that are ...
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Family-Owned Businesses and Small Business

In these economically challenging times, when family members are struggling with increasing costs and increasing unemployment rates, it is imperative that consumers have the means ...
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Corporate Responsibility in Kenya – Why is Ethical Leadership Not an Important Area of Business

This research aims to determine the extent to which ethics & accountability (E&A) practices exist within Kenya’s largest corporate sector. Based on previous studies undertaken ...
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